NLP Practitioner Certification Training
Quick Facts
7 modules, taught across 6-7 months
In person: in Austin, Texas in 7 weekends
plenty of class time to explore, learn, experience, and grow.
With NLP Master Trainer Katie Raver and assistants. We sometimes feature a guest trainer for a small part of the class.
This is the place to continue your Neuro Linguistic Programming studies!
Where do I start?
Start by registering for the NLP Starter class.
This class is a stand-alone module of the full 7-module training so you can try out NLP and learning with Katie Raver.
What You Will Learn in the NLP Practitioner Certification Training
In the NLP Practitioner Certification Training, you will learn and experience:
Classic NLP Anchoring
Learn how to choose the most useful internal state for a given situation, step out of less resourceful or "stuck" states, and use environmental and behavioral cues to build the series of experiences you want in your life.
People who appear to have "discipline" and easily achieve their goals think about goals in a very particular manner. You'll learn and practice the components of successful goal achievement and learn to transform the objections and road blocks.
The Art of Noticing
What if there's more visual, auditory, and kinesthetic information in your world than you realize? You can improve your sensory acuity through practice and begin to interact with what's happening now even more.
Developing that "felt sense" of familiarity - with another person - even a person you previously found difficult - can improve your communication clarity and flexibility. You will learn and practice the components of rapport - language and behavioral rapport both.
Thought Qualities (or Submodalities)
You will learn to recognize the structure of your thoughts and easily shift them to create the results you want. You'll use classic NLP patterns such as the phobia/ trauma cure and the Godiva chocolate pattern to eliminate unwanted responses.
Language Patterns of Integral Influence
Learn the patterns developed by the father of hypnosis, Milton H. Erickson, M.D. to create receptive states of mind in service of a goal or outcome.
The Latest in NLP Models
You'll be exposed to the latest, cutting-edge discoveries and innovations in NLP, gathering from NLP developers all over the globe.
How NLP Training Works
NLP class participants have the chance to see, hear, and try out classic NLP processes and experience them first hand. This format allows participants to take what they learn in a single weekend and use it right away in their professional and personal lives.
Early NLP developers and trainers adopted this format because of its effectiveness in helping people quickly and completely learn new processes and skills. It’s still effective!
Each part of the class goes like this:
Hear a precisely-crafted story that engages you and is designed to speed your learning and deepen your experience of the topic at hand.
Listen to a concise explanation of the reasons to learn the process/ skill, what it is, how it works, and how you might use it.
See and hear a demonstration of the process or skill.
Listen to and read through the steps in the exercise.
Immediately do the process/skill that was just demonstrated – BOTH as a client/explorer and as a coach/guide.
Hear feedback from other participants, provide any feedback you have, and ask questions as needed.
This format is used throughout the entire NLP Practitioner Certification Training. It allows you to take each skill or process you learn and begin to use it right away in other contexts!